Monday, January 6, 2020

How To Meal Prep & Plan - Simple Tips

I have some meal prep & planning tips for you that may help!! Keep reading! ðŸ˜‰

Does meal planning and prep make your head spin?  
I woke up today and said, “It’s time to get my shiz together!!” I have been way too lax with nutrition and just organization in general. I was sick ðŸĪ’ the past 2 days but was feeling better today thank goodness!! ðŸ‘ðŸŧ I took advantage of the time and planned out my week! ðŸ—“✏️ I am starting up a new 100 day workout program along with my favorite nutrition program. So ready to get back on track. 

ðŸ”đFirst!! Keep it SIMPLE!! You don’t have to make fancy recipes to be healthy and you also don’t have to eat steamed chicken only.

ðŸ”đSet aside time each week to make a plan. It can take less than 30 minutes out of your day but trust me you will be so happy you planned ahead. 

ðŸ”đThink about the week ahead. What do you have going on with sports, the kids schedules, any events, your schedule and hubby. How many meals do you really need to make?

ðŸ”đRepeat meals!!!!! I literally eat the same things everyday for breakfast, lunches & snacks. I try to mix up dinner options because everyone seems to like that. 

ðŸ”đMake extra for leftovers for lunches or another dinner night. You can also freeze leftovers for another week.

ðŸ”đFood shop and get the ingredients for what you are making for the week. I have been food shopping online and it’s the BEST!!!!! Time saver!!

ðŸ”đStart small! Maybe start with meal prepping one meal for each day or just a few snacks and then build on it each week. You will find what works for you the more you do it. 

ðŸ”đTake 1-2 hours a week to prep some things up. It may seem like a lot but it will save you so much time during the week when things are crazy hectic and you can’t even breathe. 

ðŸ”đGet storage containers in similar sizes to stack in refrigerator. 

ðŸ”đYou will get better at the more you do it. I was terrible when I first started but got faster and faster and now I can prep so many things at once!! 

ðŸ”đDON’T GIVE UP!! Everything feels hard at first. 

🎁 Oh and I am NOT the most organized person and my Christmas ðŸŽ„ stuff is still up but at least we have some healthy meals ahead! 

👉If you’re interested in learning more about meal prep and planning I would be happy to help. I have tons of meal plans & recipes that I share with my group!

👉Want my meal plan for this week? Click this link -

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