Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Overcoming Fears and How They Can Hold You Back! Set Yourself Free!

Overcoming Fears

I wanted to share about overcoming fears and how they can hold you back.

I never had a fear of traveling or flying until my early 30’s. I have no idea where it came from, possibly after having two kids and becoming more aware of what can happen, change in hormones, and who the heck really knows! I no longer had a fearless attitude and started becoming scared of so many things. I stopped going on roller coasters that I loved all my life, was scared of the ocean, which I grew up swimming in and was seriously afraid of flying and traveling and it gave me deep anxiety. I started feeling claustrophobic and trapped. I know it sounds silly but to me it wasn’t, it felt uncontrollable. Anxiety would just take my mind over. So, over the years, I gave into it. We drove everywhere for vacation, I stopped going on those awesome roller coasters, and wouldn’t go swimming in the ocean. Among other fears that I had developed. Crazy! Right?

So, over the past year and half, I have changed! I decided I am not going to give into these fears anymore. I did not want them to overtake my life. I am going to fight them and start living again! I know this may sound corny but joining Beachbody has given me strength to fight these fears. It has made me step out of my comfort zone and become a stronger and better person. I fell in love with this company! It was the career I had been searching for and fits me perfectly. I have grown as a person doing something that I really love. One of the things Beachbody promotes for the coaches is Personal Development and this is something I took on seriously. I really started to look within myself and how I can be a better person. It also brought so many amazing positive people into my life. It also brought a team environment to my life with a helping others attitude with no expectations in return.

I was able to earn a trip to Cancun, Mexico through Beachbody. Just from sharing my love and passion for fitness and health and helping others to achieve their goals. I had to decide to face my fears and not miss out on an amazing opportunity! I also earned a ticket to Nashville for Summit, which is filled with trainings and tons of amazing activities. I just couldn’t let these fears take me over. I read somewhere that you have to face the things that fear you most to grow as a person.

Fast forward to today and I have been enjoying roller coasters and loving every second, I started swimming in the ocean again. One of the biggest and proudest fear I have overcame is flying and traveling!! I wanted to enjoy all these amazing fun things with my kids that I enjoyed as a kid! I worked so hard on my thinking. I refused to take medication and I decided to fight this on my own in order to overcome it. It wasn’t easy and I would worry months before each one of these trips and shut down the person I truly was. I had trouble enjoying anything because the worry would take me over. I would tell Scott so many times beforehand that I wasn’t going to go, that I couldn’t do it, and that the anxiety was just too bad. He supported me every single time and said you can do it, you can handle it and you will. The one thing that resonated with me most was something he said. He said if I give into these fears, they will eventually take me over and I won’t be able to go anywhere. I thought that I will not allow that to happen to me and I continued to work on my thinking. I was able to travel to Cancun, Mexico and most recently Nashville, Tennessee. I got on the plane, I left my home, my family and yes, anxiety would step in but I fought it. I am so proud to say that I did it!! I am living as the person I really am, I pushed the fears out!! I am so thankful to Scott and my family for all their loving support and for Beachbody for coming into my life and pushing me to step out of my comfort zone to grow!

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